Our holiday down the Rhine and Mosel in the early sixties
Created by Sally 17 days ago
I knew Peter and his wife Valerie many, many years ago. I was at school at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in St. Julians. Malta and Valerie used to take me and my sisters to the beach during the summer that we spent at the Convent. I came to know Peter and he and Valerie gave my sister Penelope and I a wonderful holiday in Germany, when we visited the Deinhard estate in Berncastle and also Koblenz, the home of the Hasslacher familiy, and the company that I was working with at the time. Peter and Valerie came to my wedding in Cambridge, England in June 1974. I stayed with them in Malta in 1966 or 1967 before I left England to live in the United States. I wish I had kept in better contact with them. They were dear. dear friends and I also knew Peter's brother Edward and a younger brother David, who I believe came to visit me in the States. I believe it was him, although at 82 years of age my memory does not always help me.