Peter and computing
Created by John 3 years ago
As a young entrepreneur in software design and application development, (back in the 80's) I met Peter while he was working on a project using an advanced computer language called BCPL in Oxford. It was the first attempt at truly transportable software and his was a pioneering spirit because at that time it wasn't commonly believed it would work. But Peter did and had an indomitable spirit in proving it. Of course it's common place today. Peter was a big influence on me and my career going forward. Because of this introduction, I went on to work on a project in Ireland that took me to the US. I left for the US and loss contact with him, to my greater loss. I was just today thinking of him (October 2021) and found this sad news. I remember visiting his garden shed where he kept his software and manuals. In the US it's the garage start up, in England, of course the gardens shed! I am glad to see that he was so greatly loved and thought of.